Follow Holly's journey from a life of cruelty to a life of love.
Holly is a 7 year old basset hound who was used as a puppy making machine for all those years and then discarded like trash when she could no longer produce puppies. She lived in a drafty old barn never feeling grass on her paws or enjoying the sun. She has a broken leg that was never mended. She never had a warm bed or a kind human to show her love. Follow Holly on her journey in her new life here.
She wasn't sure what to think of grass at first. How strange it must have felt under her unkempt paws.
Holly experienced a warm bed instead of a drafty cold barn for the first time. I think she likes it.
She never had toys to play with and doesn't know what to do with them. She does like antlers though.
Well Holly is just full of surprises, literally.On July 1st at 1AM I was awakened by high pitched squealing and turned over to find afterbirth in my bed. Yes, that's right, Holly brought Christmas in July and the gift was 10 puppies.Thanks, Hols!
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Holly will be racking up quite a few medical bills. She has a bum leg, bad teeth, needs to be spayed and more. All purchases from our site will help out and direct donations to our Paypal will also help greatly.